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The Importance of Local Marketing on Your Business Website

local marketing

It may surprise you to learn that almost half of all people searching on Google are looking for information local to them. It is for this reason that many businesses engage with local marketing and targeted ads relevant to their location. If this is not enough, there are many more reasons to get involved with local SEO marketing.

We have listed some of these reasons below. Read on and learn why you need to refocus your marketing efforts so that you do not waste any of your budget.

Save Money

It is understandable that you want to ensure that you are able to account for every penny. You do not want to be throwing money at projects that might not pay off, and this includes any advertisement you commission.

By using targeted ads, you can ensure that your ads go to people who are more likely to respond well to them. When it comes to local presence, this includes targeting only people in your local area.

This is even more important when considering pay-per-click, or PPC, ads. You want to ensure you are not paying for clicks when there is zero chance of a sale.

Focus on Relevant Customers

When looking for leads, local SEO marketing helps you convert customers at a much higher rate. This is because the people seeing the ad can imagine themselves interacting with the business owner. 

If you are a business involved with visiting customers, such as an electrician, this is relevant too. Your customers are going to want someone they know they can call on and be at their home in as short a time as possible. They do not want to wait for someone to travel long distances to their home.


It is not only customers who will be looking for you via ads, but targeted business ads are great for suppliers and other partners. People you might need to network with can see that you are local and either visit you or give you a fast phone call. By knowing that you are local, people are likely to trust you more than a business that works elsewhere.

Businesses are even going on Facebook to look for people to network with these days. Gone are the days of lengthy emails, so do not be surprised to see private messages pop up on your business Facebook page in the future.

More on Local Marketing

After reading the above, you should have a much better idea of why local marketing is so important to your bottom line. If you still are unsure, though, you can always talk to one of our specialists.

Our people are here to help you understand the nuances of website design and management. We can also work to ensure you are getting eyes on that website once you put it live.

So, pick up the phone and give us a call, it’s what we are here for.

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